Is performed exactly in this order:


Halve the AP VALUE of the attacking OPERATOR if the attacking OPERATOR has less DP minus HITCOUNTER on that OPERATOR than its DP VALUE.


Here the SKILL(s) of the attacking OPERATOR and the attacked OPERATOR are effective as long as the conditions mentioned, if any, are fulfilled. In addition, the SKILL of other OPERATORS, which are on a FIELDPOSITION and whose SKILL explicitly influences other OPERATORS, have an effect here. 
Example: +1AP for other own OPERATOR.


A modifier that is triggered as long as an own OPERATOR is in RANGE of another own OPERATOR belonging to the same TEAM. The modifier is described under Game Modes.


Modifications of STRATEGY cards of both players affect the STRATEGY cards lying on their position according to the fulfilled conditions.

5. ATTACK- and DEFENCE-cards:

First, the attacking OPERATOR's player may, but is not required to, play an ATTACK card from his hand and place it on his OPERATOR, if the OPERATOR has not already placed a card.
Next, the attacking OPERATOR's player may play a DEFENCE card from his hand and place it on his OPERATOR, if the OPERATOR has not already placed a card.
Last, the attacking OPERATOR's player may play an ATTACK card from his hand and place it on his OPERATOR if he has not yet placed a card and the attacking OPERATOR's player has placed a card.
An OPERATOR can never have more than one card attached. This includes all: ITEM, ATTACK and DEFENCE cards. 
So think carefully about whether you play a card now or if you have something else planned with your OPERATOR that you need a card for!


The attacking OPERATOR's player rolls an ATTACK roll and adds the result to the attacked OPERATOR's AP.
The player of the attacked OPERATOR rolls a DEFENCE W6 and adds the result to the AP of the attacked OPERATOR. 
This represents the random chaos on the field.

CRITICAL: If the result of the attack W6 is a 6 or some other effect makes the attack CRITICAL, the attacking OPERATOR's player has the choice of doubling the OPERATOR's AP VALUE instead of adding the result of the attack W6 to the attacking OPERATOR's AP. If doubling is chosen, the ATTACK is a CRITICAL. If 2 ATTACK D6 were rolled and both show a die result of 6 or become CRITICAL by another effect, the player may choose once for each roll!